How to stay Healthy while Traveling Abroad

Traveling could be challenging and full of adventures that require your body and mind to be in a healthy state. You wouldn't like to spend money on your vacation and get ill, right? we have the perfect guide for you which will help you stay healthy and at your best.

1. Sleep/jet lag

Sleep is the most important for immunity and survival. A person can survive 40 days without eating but just about 11 days without sleeping. Not sleeping properly and for fewer hours can cause damage to the brain and body. Sleep at least 8-9 hours before you travel and be well rested. Carry a silk eye mask (good for your skin and sleep). Another phenomenon faced after long journeys is jet lag. To deal with jet lag you can shift your routine slowly one or two weeks prior (in case you are crossing the time zone). You can also use melatonin to regulate your circadian rhythm. As traveling is physically and mentally exhausting already why not just take that goodnight's sleep and relax whenever you get a chance?

2. Carry protein bars and healthy snacks (nonperishable)

Most flights have meals available, especially on long flights. Trains also have this service either on board or on stations. It is still advisable to carry healthy snacks that you can eat whenever and wherever you want. It is very convenient especially when you are traveling with a kid or have a condition like diabetes (a diabetic person should eat something every 2 hours). Do not depend on another source and carry snacks like snickers, fruits, popcorn, PB&J sandwich, dry fruits, smoothies, and any other nonperishable ready-to-eat snacks. 


3. Keep a water bottle

A bottle filled with water is a must. Stay hydrated as our brain and body are made up of water mostly. Two liters of water is a must in a day. You can add glucose or flavoring to it for extra energy. Not every place provides water and water from any place cannot be trusted. Pack clean water in advance. You should at least have a clean container that you can fill with water if you find it on your way. 


4. Know your body 

Be aware of the needs of your body. All of us have some special requirements for our diet. Some people are lactose intolerant and some are gluten intolerant. Knowing what kind of food suits you and what food cause you any allergy can help you be prepared. You can carry what you need with you or you can be on the lookout for the right kind of food when you reach your destination. This will save you from any accidents or discomfort and help keep you nourished and full. If you are allergic to something always carry an EpiPen (epinephrine pen).

5. Carry all your medicines 

Before you travel get yourself checked. Carry any and every medicine that is prescribed to you even if the travel is for a short period. Stay connected to your physician just in case. Take your meds on time and set a reminder if you need.


6. Don't keep sitting or standing

Sitting and standing for a long time can cause problems to your back and lower limb. Keep that body moving even if in a confined space like flights and cars. Walk a little if you can and stretch. Remember it's important to keep that blood flowing. Exercise if possible. Walking and light exercise can be just enough.

7. Keep sanitizer, handwash, and mask handy

Covid time has taught us the importance of washing hands regularly and good habit like distancing. Incorporate that into your travel. Carry a mask always and everything you need to keep your hands clean (handwash and sanitizer). You will be touching many public surfaces so it's a must. Do you know the air inside a plane contains the most germs because of the pressure inside it? This is where mask becomes very important.


8. Don't miss meals 

Every meal is important even if you are dieting. Make sure you got a backup in case you cannot access a meal. Try your best to not miss any meal as it will ultimately make you less energetic and affect your appetite. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make sure to keep it healthy and not miss it by maintaining your routine.

9. Avoid unhealthy food and drinks

Sugar and alcohol are some things that are very tempting but can prove to be poisonous if in excess. Better avoid excess of any of these. Alcohol affects sleep and appetite, makes you dehydrated, and impairs judgment so it's the worst possible beverage you can have while traveling. Another beverage to avoid is caffeine in form of coffee or energy drinks. Be careful with packed (with expiry date) and perishable food items.

10. Carry a first aid kit and stay updated with vaccines

First aid is necessary not just for your health but even people around you. Accidents are unpredictable and inevitable. They can happen to anyone. Be safe and ready for any such incident. The first aid kit should have every medicine for every common and specific condition. Stay updated with your vaccination. Know what vaccinations you might need to go to a certain place. 


11. Carry self-care products 

Carry your self-care kit. Basic health is important but also the extra care that your body needs. Things to carry would be a moisturizer (protection from dryness in cold places), sunscreen (protection from UV in sunny places of 30+ SPF), facewash, mosquito repellent, and any other beauty product that you use.


Follow all these steps and you wouldn't regret even a bit. If you are a solo traveler or even traveling in groups, here is all you will need. So, travel safe, happy, and healthy always.